Due to e.g. the success of our burn treatment centre, where treatments are provided free of charge, we do at times spend more than we can afford.
All our projects basically support the same goal: uplifting the lives of the less fortunate by making tools to them helping themselves available. We do not seek to donate but to show our people how they can earn a living. However we do donate means leading to the opportunity of becoming self supporting, like Solar light sets for homes or Aloe Vera plants for interested people.
The currently running projects that need support can be found here (link naar nieuw onderdeel Projects and Actions). For more information about any of these projects please use our contact page (nieuwe engelstalige contactpagina).
Stichting Care for Natural initiates various actions to support this important work. Actions concern short term initiatives like organizing sponsored walks or runs, organized bike tours, sponsorship during races, etc. The current actions you can support can be found here (link naar nieuw onderdeel Projects and Actions). Perhaps you have ideas yourself that you would like to share with us. We would appreciate to read of those through our contact page.
General donations
Via the website you can make a contribution to one of our projects or actions, it is also possible to do a repetitive donation to a certain project, via direct debit. If you wish to sponsor monthly or annually and trust us to decide where the donation is best spend, you can donate to the general purpose. Another option is making a donation through our bank account NL63RABO0111774446.
You may consider us in your will. We expect to be around for a very long time. In case you would indeed wish to mention us in your will, you may let us know the contact of your family members so that we can keep them informed of our activities and progress.
We will respectfully use your donation towards the greater benefit of those willing to work on their own progress and future well being or those struck too much by (an event of) hardship, to help them back on their feet.