Burning wounds with children is one of the biggest problems in West-Africa. The typical charcoal cooking plate, the stone upon which cooking takes place, the cooked water which is seen as drinkable water: all dangers which children are being exposed to. The number of children which is suffering from burns in Gambia is estimated as 1 out of 4, meaning there is chance of 25% children will contract burns.
Everyone is familiar softening effect of Aloë Vera in for example aftersun. Based on Aloë Vera the Care for Natural Foundation has developed burn-wound treatment. The Aloë Vera treatment has thus far shown many positive results. Severely burned children are treated by Claudette and fully cured from their burn wounds.
Only a plant of minimally 5 years old can be used for the treatment. Sufficient Aloë Vera are needed to be able to sustain the treatment continuously. You could help us continue this by adopting Aloë Vera plants. For already €5,00 you adopt plant which helps you and the children in Gambia to heal from the horrendous burn wounds.
The Aloë Vera’s are being planted in Mariamakunda where they are well cared for and overseen in the gardens of Mariamakunda. Our goal is to provide structural means to cure the children in Gambia from burn wounds, would you help us to achieve this goal?